Saturday, November 5, 2011

MY DOG - Life's Little Blessings

I could not sleep tonight
Thoughts racing through my head
I looked up and saw my dog
Asleep at the foot of my bed

I thought how lucky I am
To have such a friend
She accepts me as I am
And is loyal to no end

I can watch her and feel peace
Other times I feel joy
She can even make me laugh
As she plays with her favorite toy

She is a little blessing from God
That makes me feel like I've won a prize
I realize they are all around us
If we just pause and open our eyes

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

That what we fear most will meet us half way!

I heard these words this morning in a song. It is one of those classic rock lines that can provoke thought, well it did mine anyway. I thought how true it is, you know someone who is always in fear of losing their job and they lose it, someone in fear of losing their mate and they lose them, and on & on. Fear is an emotion brought about by our thoughts. Our thoughts are so important because they tend to materialize into reality. So if what we fear will meet us half way, maybe what we desire or yearn for will meet us half way also. Guard your thoughts and think of good things and let these good things meet you half way and become your reality!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Everything Happens for a Reason?

Everything happens for a reason. I have heard this many times, like there is a mysterious force beyond our control that determines our future. If you believe in God then you probably believe he is in control, but remember he gave you a free will. This means that you can choose the path you take which ultimately determines your circumstances.

Circumstances do not make the man, but the man makes his circumstances. Thoughts are the very seed that determine our circumstances. We think something, we feel something, and then we do something. What we do determines our circumstances. This explains why someone can emerge from a dire situation and do great things and vise versa. We all have the power and it begins in the mind with our thoughts. In essence, we become what we think.

Yes there is a reason everything happens, it is usually because of our actions which are directly related to our thoughts. There are some things such as illness that may be a result of a genetic predisposition , but even then, therein lies the reason, it is not a mystery.

Yes there is a reason for everything, but before you go and just right it off as due to a mystical force, you may want to stop and take a look at the actions that led up to it and the underlying thoughts that produced those actions. Yes there is a reason but that reason just might be you.

Plan B

Someone once told me they always had a plan B & were referring to relationships, ours in fact. That comment did not set well with me and I gave this little phrase, which seems to be used freely, some thought.

I think plan B's may be fine for a woodworking project or a baseball team's backup plan, but not for relationships. Relationships, whether with family, spouses, or friends are important stuff, to put it very simply. Relationships are what God is made of. Let me make it clear that I am referring to healthy relationships, not toxic ones which may need to be eliminated. But when you think about it relationships are all we really have, everything else can be gone in a second, just look at the recent storm victims.

I think healthy relationships should be given 100% and not equipped with a backup plan, which has a vested interest in the relationship failing. Of course this is just my opinion but my personal experience has taught me this: where healthy relationships are concerned there is NO PLAN B FOR ME. :)